Getting Started

Fuse.js Introduction

Fuse.js is an open-source library for building data layers. (star us on GitHub! (opens in a new tab)) It empowers frontend & mobile teams to build and own the central translation layer from the backend microservices, data stores, & third-party APIs to the optimal GraphQL API for their websites, web apps, and mobile apps.

Fuse.js combines the best tooling from the GraphQL ecosystem to guide you to an organizational and technical “pit of success.” While it uses GraphQL (because it is the best technical choice) and familiarity with GraphQL will make for a minimal learning curve, you do not need to know GraphQL to use Fuse.js.

Getting Started

Before you begin

Before you start using Fuse.js, you need to have:

  • Familiarity with TypeScript
  • A Next.js app*

*Note that a Fuse.js data layer can also be developed and deployed outside of Next.js. However, our current focus is on making the experience with Next.js great, so expect rough edges elsewhere.

Setting up your Fuse data layer

If you have an existing Next.JS application you can skip these steps by running npx create-fuse-app which will install the dependencies, alter the Next config, create /api/fuse, an initial type and update your tsconfig.json.

Install the npm packages

npm install --save fuse graphql
npm install --save-dev @graphql-typed-document-node/core

Add the Next.js plugin to your next.config.js

const { nextFusePlugin } = require('fuse/next/plugin')
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = nextFusePlugin()({
  // Your Next.js config here
module.exports = nextConfig

Create the /api/fuse API route

This API route will serve as the entrypoint to the GraphQL API that Fuse.js creates. If you are using Next.js’s app router, add a file at app/api/fuse/route.ts and copy the below code to it:

import { createAPIRouteHandler } from 'fuse/next'
// NOTE: This makes Fuse.js automatically pick up every type in the /types folder
// Alternatively, you can manually import each type in the /types folder and remove this snippet
// @ts-expect-error
const files = require.context('../../../types', true, /\.ts$/)
  .filter((path: string) => path.includes('types/'))
const handler = createAPIRouteHandler()
export const GET = handler
export const POST = handler

If you are using Next.js's Pages Router, replace createAPIRouteHandler with createPagesRouteHandler instead.

That’s it! Fuse.js will now serve a GraphQL API at /api/fuse.

Adding your first type

Create a types folder at the root of your Next.js app and add a file at types/User.ts that contains the following code:

import { node } from 'fuse'
type UserSource = {
  id: string
  name: string
  avatar_url: string
// "Nodes" are the core abstraction of Fuse.js. Each node represents
// a resource/entity with multiple fields and has to define two things:
// 1. load(): How to fetch from the underlying data source
// 2. fields: What fields should be exposed and added for clients
export const UserNode = node<UserSource>({
  name: 'User',
  load: async (ids) => getUsers(ids),
  fields: (t) => ({
    name: t.exposeString('name'),
    // rename to camel-case
    avatarUrl: t.exposeString('avatar_url'),
    // Add an additional firstName field
    firstName: t.string({
      resolve: (user) =>' ')[0],
// Fake function to fetch users. In real applications, this would
// talk to an underlying REST API/gRPC service/third-party API/…
async function getUsers(ids: string[]): Promise<UserSource[]> {
  return => ({
    name: `Peter #${id}`,
    avatarUrl: `${id}`,

Note how the only code you had to write was the translation from the underlying data source to the shape of the data that you need. Fuse.js takes care of everything else for you.

If you now open localhost:3000/api/fuse in the browser, you'll see GraphiQL and be able to query for a user:

Screenshot of GraphiQL running at localhost:3000/api/fuse showing a query for a user, their id, name, and firstName, and the corresponding result

Querying your data layer

At this point you will need to run next dev so our entry-points can be generated for you.

This example will focus on server-components but you can query your data from anywhere, other examples can be found in the client chapter. When using server-components we can skip the intermediate step of reaching out to an endpoint, hence our codegen has generated an alternative entry-point in ./fuse/server.

import { graphql } from '@/fuse'
import { execute } from '@/fuse/server'
const UserQuery = graphql(`
  query User($id: ID!) {
    user(id: $id) {
export default async function Page() {
  const result = await execute({ query: UserQuery, variables: { id: '1' } });

This is the base way to query your components through server-components, you can now pass on the data to child components.